Other Publications

Paper for the Piddington Society Boorloo Law Conference

Australasian Parliamentary Review article

This article was first published in the Australasian Parliamentary Review, Spring/Summer 2015, Volume 30(2), 80-98.

The Aboriginal Bench Book for Western Australian Courts

The Aboriginal Bench Book for Western Australian Courts contains information for the judiciary to alert them to cross-cultural issues which may arise in the conduct of court proceedings involving Aboriginal people. The Bench Book is also a useful resource for any person involved in such proceedings.

The Bench Book was written by Ms Stephanie Fryer-Smith and published by the Australasian Institute for Judicial Administration (AIJA). Hard copies of the Bench Book may be purchased through the AIJA.

Mediation Programme - A Guide for Litigants - 28 October 2016

Guide to Judicial Conduct (Third Edition)

Published for The Council of Chief Justices of Australia by The Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration Incorporated.

Access to Court Information - Discussion Paper

Published by the Supreme Court of Western Australia in June 2014 as part of a review of the Court's release of information policy. 

Last updated: 14-Mar-2024

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