This article was first published in the Australasian Parliamentary Review, Spring/Summer 2015, Volume 30(2), 80-98.
The Aboriginal Bench Book for Western Australian Courts contains information for the judiciary to alert them to cross-cultural issues which may arise in the conduct of court proceedings involving Aboriginal people. The Bench Book is also a useful resource for any person involved in such proceedings.
The Bench Book was written by Ms Stephanie Fryer-Smith and published by the Australasian Institute for Judicial Administration (AIJA). Hard copies of the Bench Book may be purchased through the AIJA.
Published for The Council of Chief Justices of Australia by The Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration Incorporated.
Published by the Supreme Court of Western Australia in June 2014 as part of a review of the Court's release of information policy.
Last updated: 14-Mar-2024
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