Name Searches
Party or Litigant Name Search
Under the Rules of the Supreme Court 1971 (WA), it is possible to make a party name or litigant search. That is because Order 67B rule 6 provides that unless a person's access to information is restricted by legislation or by a court order, they are entitled to information as to whether a named person is or is not a party to a proceeding.
If you are not a party to the matter, you a must make a written request to the Principal Registrar for the search to be conducted by emailing There is a fee for every name requested and result located by the search. The fee is payable for every name searched even when there is no match identified.
Divorce Name Search (pre 1975)
A written request is required for party name searches of divorce matters. If you are not a party to the divorce, you must make a written request to the Principal Registrar for approval for the search to be conducted.
There is no fee for a copy of the Decree Absolute; however, a fee is applicable for a copy of any other document.
Last updated: 18-Aug-2020
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